Golf Etiquette

Don't be that golfer who takes forever on every shot. Keep a steady pace and, if you're slower than the group behind, give them a wave to play through. It's all about keeping things flowing. When you are starting out, make sure you have extra balls so you can drop another one if you cant quickly find yours.
Respect the Peace and Quiet:Golf is a zen game. When someone's about to take a swing, think library vibes—hush up. No one wants a loud soundtrack while they're trying to nail that shot.
Fix Your Mess:If you dig up the fairway or leave a mark on the green, do a quick tidy-up. Pop that divot back in place and smooth over any craters on the green with the trusty rake. Leave the course looking as good as you found it. If the course offers buckets of sand, make sure you take one!
Fast Players First:If your group's cruising along and the group, or single player behind is on your tail, give 'em the nod to play through. No harm, no foul. Let the speedsters do their thing.
Phone on Silent:Keep your phone on silent or vibrate. No need for a concert in the middle of a backswing. Save the digital chats for the 19th hole.
Dress Like You Know the Drill:Some courses have a dress code, so rock the collared shirt and ditch the denim if they say so. Some courses are all good with a polo, shorts and sneekers – If the club isn’t your vibe, find another one.
Be Ready:When it's your turn, be ready to roll. No one likes waiting around. Prep your shot while others are doing their thing, and let's keep the game moving.
Not Trash:Pick up your trash. Be a good citizen of the course and toss your rubbish in the bin. Let's leave nature looking fabulous.
Chill Out:Keep a cool head. Golf's got its highs and lows, but no one wants to be around a human storm cloud. A bad shot? Laugh it off, shake it out, and keep the vibes positive.
Course Love:Show the course some love. Think of it like treating someone else's backyard with respect. No carts or trundlers on the Tee box or the greens.
Time's Ticking:Be on time for your tee-off. If you're running late or can't make it, give the course a heads-up. It's like being fashionably late, but for golf.
Good Vibes Only:Be a golf buddy, not a golf grump. Enjoy the game, appreciate the views, and have a blast. After all, it's just a game, right?